

长大以后,相机也随着科技而变成更先进了。最近买了一台相机,经过多次的筛选和请教高手,我最终买下了自己的第一台DSLR的相机。第一个感觉就是可以觉得自己很专业(虽然还有很多摄影技术需要请教摄影前辈们 ^_^)。


4 Responses
  1. 薇薇 Says:

    which DSLR are you using? I just bought one recently too.

    and your blog name is very similar to mine...

  2. yup, i get the idea from your blog. use the closer pronunciation of the Chinese words. So I choose the funny one.

    Em...I'm using Canon EOS 350D. I think the price cheaper than yours.

  3. 薇薇 Says:

    got idea from my blog... eh.... then u need to pay me copyright leh!

    anyway, we can qie4 cuo1 qie4 cuo1

  4. no problem for me...but the question is you din register you pattern...haha, so no need to pay the copyright...


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